Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Do you realize that with all the

 The Janissaries Do you realize that with all the Hi-Tech accessible today, regardless we don't have an experimental evidence of what gravity would all say all is about?

Could both Einstein and Newton got it mostly off-base about gravity and we are screwed over thanks to their hypotheses since scholastic establishments had nothing else to offer?

I view myself as another Faraday.

It was in the year of 1990 when I first came round to compose the meaning of my hypothesis on gravity.

From that point forward, my studies concentrated on survey the National Geographic and Discovery TV stations while testing my own hypothesis as years passed by. Meanwhile, I proceeded with my examination work which incorporated a few investigations, pushing me one stage forward inevitably.

Accomplishing levitation and outfitting gravitational powers are the focal issues at the forefront of my thoughts. In any case, I can't tease myself any longer and remain a small time band.

I feel the need to share.

In this way, here is my hypothesis (more or less), planning to draw in whatever number honey bees as could be expected under the circumstances.

How about we begin with the world's center.

This makes a colossal electromagnetic field, where as we as a whole know, delivers the North and South Poles. This electromagnetic field additionally delivers electrical fields and thusly, electrical charges are framed which make electrical powers.

This is the thing that gravity is about: Electrically Charged Forces - ECF

Presently, let us accept that earth resemble a tremendous circle capacitor. The world's center with its atomic generator keeps our planet (enormous capacitor) charged. The hull comprises of three layers: an external layer that is charged (+) positive; a shelf (center) which serves as a dielectric; and an inward layer charged (- ) negative.

Positive and negative charges draw in each other. Newton's apple was pulled in towards the inward (- ) negative layer and NOT to the focal point of the earth as it is all around went on to us.

Looking through this viewpoint it was not just the internal layer that pulled the apple yet the fascination of two bodies which are the inward layer and the apple as being a piece of the external layer - as such, the fascination of two inverse ECF.

In this way, one can reason that gravity as we probably am aware it, doesn't exist on the grounds that as per customary science, the power of gravity dependably pulls in - never repulses, and it is for the most part connected with powers towards the focal point of the planet. I trust this is the deceptive part which makes gravitational powers still a marvel.

My decision stands, that the world's external outside layer is pulled in towards the inward covering layer and the other way around, though the ECF can now go about as a fascination or shock.

This may be the way to open new skylines, and for researchers to reevaluate gravity. It will likewise open the potential outcomes for "Levitation" and 'Interminable Motion'.

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